Maryam Apaokagi, popularly known as Taaooma, a renowned Nigerian comedienne, content creator, and cinematographer born on February 28, 1999, in Ilorin, Kwara State. With her unique comedic style centered around Nigerian motherhood, Taaooma has swiftly risen to fame, becoming one of Nigeria’s most beloved female comedians.
Early Life and Education:
Taaooma’s journey began in Kwara State, where she initiated her primary education. Later, she ventured to Namibia, securing her First School Leaving Certificate. Continuing her academic pursuits, she attended Concordia College and later Kwara State University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and Travel Services Management. In 2020, she completed her one-year NYSC service.
Career Beginnings:
Taaooma’s foray into comedy commenced in 2015, spurred by her boyfriend’s encouragement. The release of her first comedy skit in 2016 marked the beginning of her ascent to stardom. Her comedic forte lies in mimicking the traits of a typical African mother, endearing her to audiences nationwide.
Relationship and Personal Life:
In her personal life, Taaooma is romantically involved with music video director Abdulazeez Greene Oladimeji, popularly known as Abula. The couple’s relationship is a well-known aspect of Taaooma’s public persona.
Social Media Presence:
With a massive online following, Taaooma boasts 1.8 million Instagram followers, where she actively shares her comedy sketches. Her engagement on platforms like Instagram and Twitter (@taaooma and @_Taaooma, respectively) contributes significantly to her widespread popularity.
Net Worth:
Taaooma’s influence and success in the entertainment industry have translated into a net worth estimated at $500,000. Her ability to bring joy to audiences through her comedic talent has not only earned her fame but also financial success.
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